Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bathroom progress and kitchen demo

More bathroom progress... should be finished this Saturday!  I cannot wait.  I need to go on a hunt for the perfect mirror and a new light. Then I have to scrub it all down and organize.  Just in time for company next week!  Hopefully I will have some time for a relaxing soak between chores.

As if the bathroom wasn't enough we decided to go ahead and start demo on the kitchen. Or should I say my husband decided to go ahead and start the destruction while I was working.  The old tile back splash has been removed and the bottom cabinets have been taken out in one section.  Now we just have fix the wall, paint and move the fridge into the new spot.  Then raise the shelf so the microwave can go in and wait.  Our counter tops are not coming for almost a month and we want to wait on doing the back splash until they are installed so I guess we will have to live with the chaos for awhile.
Did I mention I really do not like waiting???